Friday, September 19, 2008

Rubbing salt in the wound or MRSA???

Just when I think things are going pretty well life blindsides me and proves me wrong. I took Cameron to the doctor today to get his immunization.... just a routine appointment. The Doc asked if I had any questions or concerns and something told me to have him take a look at what I thought was a bee sting on Cameron's bottom (it has been getting more red and swollen over the past day and he would not stop itching no matter what cream I tried.) The doctor immediately said that he had MRSA.

I don't know why but like an idiot I said okay, took the script, and the novel lolli and headed to super target to get his meds. It wasn't until I got home that I completely freaked out "MRSA?????" Isn't that a serious staph infection that is normally acquired in a hospital??? I was upset with the doctor that he didn't inform me better of the situation and mad at myself for not asking more questions.

Any mom worth her salt will understand the reason for my anxiety; I just found out that my baby has MRSA and will have to take all these powerful antibiotics, etc. etc. to deal with it. I completely admit that I don't know all there is to know(or all that I SHOULD know, or all that I WILL know before the day is over) about staph infections of any kind. I've read everything on the Internet from, "It is a life long thing" and that "there are certain carriers of the bacteria" to "it is caused from poor hygiene" Which sent me even further into wanting to seek a second opinion in order to find out if he does in fact have this "MRSA" I am a very hygienically cautious mother. Cameron gets a bath once, sometimes twice, a day. I launder his bedding 3 times weekly and go crazy with the disinfectant!!! So how can this be.

This poor kid has had a time of it as far as health. It seems that even when he gets the common cold he gets it ten times worse and more frequent than everyone else.

I know We'll make it, but forgive me my Friday afternoon pity party! :(

Has anybody else dealt with MRSA? I would love to hear from you and how it's affected your life. I believe that forewarned can be forearmed and I really need the support!


Celeste said...

I would (if you haven't already) get a second opinion, just to be sure. I don't know anything about it, but i'm gonna read up on it. Keep your chin up and keep us posted.

Cuddly Carter said...

Im so glad he is ok I would have been so worried. Everything makes me upset when he has something wrong. Talk to you soon <3

The Bruntz Runtz said...

Is Cam-man okay? Did you hear anything else? How is he now? I don't know anything about MRSA,but hate looking online because every site says something different, some make it sound alot worse than others...
Give the boo boo a big kiss from me and make it all better!

Cameron Family said...

Sorry to hear about Camo. That sucks! I have never heard anything about it at all, but lik Celeste said I would get a second opinion just to be sure.

elkinsjacksons said...

Alright, I know I'm a little late but I got some info for you... Ruby had a little bump on her knee a few months ago. I thought it was just a little scab left over from a scrapped knee but then I realized it was infected. I took her to the peditrician and he said something along the lines of, "Because of the high occurence of MRSA, I treat all skin infections like MRSA." This way if it is MRSA, the strong antibiotics will kill it the first time- and then its gone forever (at least most of the time, I think.) Justin's stepdad is an ER physicain and agrees- he usually does the same thing. Well I hated giving the antibiotics (and draining the wound!!) but the infection was healed about the same time we finished the antiboitics and there has been no further signs of MRSA/skin infections :) Yay! (...and I only change the sheets once a week ;) hehe ;) But at the time this was going on, I was definitely bugging my pediatrician's offics with questions and concerns and took her back a few days later to check it again so I understand your stress in this blog. Hopefully he's doing better now!

Rob, Brooke, Caleb, Sophie and Jake said...

How is Cameron doing? I don't know anything about MRSA, but like you I am freaked out about anything that has to do with staph. I hope he's doing better!